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"Howard’s work on ‘Architect’ within our organisation has been ground breaking – it’s given us new language and new learning integral to outstanding performance which has given us a significant competitive advantage.


The Coaching SET is a vital tool in any discussion within the business at every level. The procedure is used in any aspect of the business and in any form of decision making leading to gains in cut through and clarity."

"Since bringing Howard into our business five years ago, the senior leaders he has coached have grown dramatically: they have more authority, are more resilient, more agile but most importantly their esteem has strengthened whilst the demands of their egos have shrunk.


Furthermore through his ‘Thinking Partnership Programme’, he has enabled our managers to mirror these benefits with their people. We now see our primary role as inspiring and driving a high performance culture which provides outstanding, predictable, sustainable results."

"Being a CEO can be a very lonely and isolated place. Howard’s constant companionship in my climb has been essential to my on-going success. The thinking partnership we have developed over the years is fundamental to the perspectives, insights, and judgements needed in my role. I know whatever happens, he always has my back and his loyalty to me is unflinching.


I have complete faith in my coach and he is a constant force and presence in the daily battle of business."

The Coaching Practice

Building a high performance culture which produces outstanding sustainable results.




  • The Coaching Practice was set up in 1997and by 1999 a number of key patented models had been authored and were in action - among these were the Performance Formula and the Behavioural Code. At that time various global blue chip companies had already become early adopters of these cultural protocols, within their UK divisions (e.g. Bacardi and Panasonic) creating a competitive advantage for these organisations, their leaders and teams within them.

  • Post the inception of these designs, a number of giants in the field have endorsed and advanced our findings in their written work e.g. Jim Collins – ‘Good to Great’ (2001), ‘How the Mighty Fall’ (2009); Stephen Covey – The Speed of Trust (2009)

  • The continuation of our work allowed further testing and finessing of more developed models, designs and interventions within both corporate and sporting arenas i.e. BRANDS Coaching, Transformational Change Methodology, Five C’s of Culture, Four C’s of Management Conversations, Three ‘D’s’ of Dynamic.

  • From 2006 onwards we have become increasingly interested and influenced by Jim Loehr’s ground breaking philosophy of the ‘Corporate Athlete’. Our work with Leaders and Leadership Teams emphasises the four holistic components (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) of enduring and profound performance, enabling our clients to always lift heavy.

  • Over the last five years we have developed further major leadership designs, including Architect, the Coaching SET, the Wheel of Leadership.

  • Currently we are in the throes of publishing our first book which will pull together our protocols into an in depth and aligned understanding of the components of a high performance culture.

  • The Coaching Practice has offices, conference and retreat facilities in both the UK and Dubai.

Thinking Partnerships

  • Panasonic
  • Jagermeister
  • Amer Sports
  • Suntory
  • Employsure
  • Barclays
  • Thames Water
  • Danone
  • Technicolor
  • Nutricia
  • Bacardi


“The protocols, principles and measurements The Coaching Practice brings to an organisation enable real transformational change. Our culture and performance has dramatically improved over the last three years since working with Howard, with levels of Commitment, Engagement and Ownership soaring throughout our business.”  

"Howard has helped us to understand the critical importance of a winning culture and how leaders must be role models of the behaviours we stand for."

Thinking Partnerships

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Management & Leadership
Corporate Athlete
Winning Teams
Manager as Coach

Participants recalibrate their role of manager into a thinking partnership relationship with their subordinates and learn the requirements of CEO relationships (Commitment, Engagement, Ownership) through pragmatic models for immediate implementation in the workplace, resulting in adult relationships which produce greater efficiency and effectiveness, resulting in outstanding performance and an ongoing move towards mastery.


“Knowledge is only Rumour until it is in the Muscle”


It is essential to acknowledge none of the programs we run are events. Each course design insists on pre work and a thorough post module application of contracts of change gained from the specific course concerned - through either 121 coaching, Action Learning Centers, completion of Playbook journals etc.

The course provides a thorough understanding of the traits, behaviours and capabilities of extraordinary team performance, using research, psychometric profiling and case studies to demonstrate function and dysfunction; application of the Transformational Change Protocol to establish enhanced clarity of the prize of its purpose; and a formation of a binding charter of the way we do things around here.

This course reframes individual leader’s paradigm of excellence and purpose providing personal best performance over  extended and sustained periods. The emphasis is on energy management and peak performance through the integration of a holistic leadership approach,delivering differentiation through application of the four entities of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual alignment.

Our seminars and workshops provide a thorough grounding in cutting edge management philosophy, within the context of a ‘people first’ orientation. They seek to set out the core differences between management and leadership and challenges participants to aspire to being the change they want to see in their organisations. As increasing performance is our primary raison d’etre in everything we do, application and emphasis is placed on role play and putting theory into action.



Howard Thomas B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc. - Lead Coach


Howard worked in the financial sector as a stockbroker for over 15 years, whilst maintaining a rugby career at premiership and international levels. During this time he was involved with many high performing teams in both work and sport, as a member, leader and manager - and became fascinated with the constructs that create high performance and high morale.


He established The Coaching Practice in 1997; his work focuses on cultural and organisational change, enhancing performance within the workplace through a ‘people first’ orientation and the development of an ‘adult narrative’. Howard has recorded in excess of 20,000 hours of coaching one to one's since the inception of the business.


Specifically, his coaching enables an environment which provides genuineness (openness and self-disclosure), acceptance (being seen with unconditional positive regard), empathy (listened to and understood) and an insistence to converse with the potential rather than the actual (communicating with the highest/best/heroic self). Outputs from this style of coaching include increasing robustness and resilience, improvement of relationships through enhanced rapport and development of leaders with unwavering resolve and influence.


He has written extensively on ‘Flow’, ‘Chapters of Change through Transactional Analysis’ and ‘Adversity Quotient’, with transcripts for publication purposes on ‘The Psychology of Winning’ and ‘The BRANDS Coaching’ protocol; and has published research on Career Transition and Transformation. His Performance Formula and Behavioural Code are both patented for intellectual copyright. His first book is    currently being published.


As an organisational coach, he has over the last fifteen years, designed and delivered significant cultural change programmes for numerous blue chip companies, focussing

on imbedding behavioural practice, as KPI’s of both values and attitude – giving rise to ‘game changing’ results for those corporations.


Howard’s coaching philosophy and psychology has also achieved success in the sporting world, being actively involved within the highest ranks of Rugby Union; within County Cricket - Gloucester County Cricket Club - achieving a record six back to back Lord’s Final wins; and currently consults strategically for a number of sporting institutions.


His continued study of  ‘corporate athlete’, seeks to gain a complete understanding of why some executives thrive under pressure while others wilt; and to implement key processes which deliver sustained performance and achievement under all circumstances.


He has an absolute belief that providing the resource of a ‘thinking partnership’ becomes an essential catalyst for the integration of physical and emotional strength as well as a sharp intellect - bringing mind, body, and spirit to peak condition.

© 2017 The Coaching Practice


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